Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Like, Oh my gosh! Yesterday I was shopping at the Girl Outlet Store Here, and I found these totally nifty Pretty Pony Princess Slippers! Of course with me being a devoted fan of the PPP movie trilogy, board game, trading cards, Saturday morning anime, books, and all thing Pretty Pony Princess, I made the best purchase of my life.

This morning I wore my PPP slippers to school to prove to everyone how cool I was. People acted afraid of me as soon as I walked in the building. Kids backed up against their lockers when I walked through the hall, Edward avoided me, and there were hushed wispers going around all day. These slippers.... I think.... They have power.... Then a teacher pulled me aside and asked if I was feeling ok, I said "Of course person who edjucates me!" Then she told me to take off the slippers and come into her office. Inside she gave me THE TALK. I know now that my slippers aren't appreaciated by 99.9 % percent of the known universe. I also now know where babies come from.

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