Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Game ( and a new freind)

Hi everyone, Its me Fred oh yeah DON"T CALL ME FREDWARD!!!! Today my mom made me try out for the football team which stinks because my body is probably better built for chess or shuffleboard or something like that. Also Edward the bully is on my team. He kept "accidentally" falling on me and tackling me and throwing pumped footballs into my face.
On a brighter note, after the hospital had cleaned me up I met a new person on IMVU. We were competing in a fashion contest against someone with the screen name IPummelFredward and we both lost to him. Well, actually the person that I met started cussing because his high heel broke and he got disqualified. Somehow we became friends. Maybe it was because we both lost. Maybe it was because he used my favorite cuss word. Maybe it was because we were both male IMVU players. Whatever the reason, we did.

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