Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Life with Braces

Hey guys, my braces stink. People can't understand me! For example, at school today I greeted Mr Ploonski with my usual "Good morning Mr Ploonski! I enjoy watching you sit on your chair!" It didn't come out like that. It came out like, " Goo mooning mither plopsy! I enjoy wathing u (beep!) on you chair!" He got all red in the face and gave me detention. then he walked away muttering, "Oh man he noticed! My pampers didn't work." I watched him walk down the hall and then turned to my locker to deposit my various books. "Hey Fredwardo!" It was Edward. I turned around. "Hi Edward." Then I got my daily dose of dumpster. It wasn't so bad today. Actually I enjoy just floating there.... But then a bird pooped on my face. when I got home later, my Mom said, "Oooh Fredward, I love your new smell! Is my wittle slinkypoo using deodorant? You know, that's the same smell that made me fall for your dad! Ahhh...." I ran to my room as fast as I could. I started chatting with Billy, and we decided to make a video game! it should be done sometime next month. Anyway, stay tuned for another exiting post on, Fredward's Sad Life, the sad life of Fredward! Fredward! Fredward! He has a big head ward! He's so cool and he's so smart! Fredward likes to make his mark! On fire hydrants!

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