Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Halloween Costume

Hey guys! Most people think that when you get into middle school, you don't go trick or treating anymore. For me, that is not the case. This year I will go around as normal, dressed in my Prince Eltha costume trying to scare little kids and bring in hoards of candy! This morning, I went to check my costume out in my closet as I do every morning. When I opened the door, Mom ran out carrying a flamethrower. "Um, hi sweety, I was just, um, feeding the wombat!" "Oh ok mom!" She ran away. I looked into the closet. There sat my prized size 2 Eltha Costume, in tattered ruins. "MOM! I think the wombat ate my costume!" "We don't own a wombat dear." said mom.

So now I had the choice of either making a new costume or buying one. I think I'm going to make one. Maybe I'll be a cheese or something. Anyway come back in the next ten years or before to read my next post. Fredward! Fredward! He has a bi- Ahh! Stop following me you annoying people! No! I don't want to buy your jingle!

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