Saturday, October 25, 2008


Sup Homies? This weekend I have a huge amount of homework. It stinks.


Sup Homies? This weekend I have a huge amount of homework. It stinks.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Hello my friends, my good good friends. It's Tuesday, and everything is right in the world. My Halloween costume is coming along nicely, my parents decided that I can see pg movies now, (But only a select few.) and some kid donated his entire life savings ($15.000) to the producers of Pretty Pony Princess, and they are going to make one last episode! school went bad today though. Edward's worker spilled ostrich waffles down my pants in P.E. Also I got my first B! I'm horrified!
It was for my stunning report for Science class on Koalas, and how they enjoy regurgitating food onto Science teachers. Anywhoo, next Saturday is when they are going to air the last PPP episode, so stay tuned for more writing about my astonishingly sad life! Also, Billy is doing construction on his blog so check that out. But you know, not for too long. Fred Head! Fred head! heee wets his bed bed! He's so weak and he's so lame! Fredward is a stupid name!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sup Dawgs?

Hey yall, I've been really busy with school lately, and this is how the week went for me. On Monday, I went into school and got long term assignments in all of my classes. Plus short term assignments. Mid length term assignments. Really short term assignments. So many I can't think straight! The same thing happened on all of the rest of the days! My school is undergoing this new program called "Smart Program." Basically, they just give us so much homework that we can't do anything else. Even blog. Luckily, being the genius that I am, I finished my homework before the weekend was over. Actually, to people who are really dumb like Edward, this program seems to be working. For example, on Wednesday in physics class, Mr Bowly asked us what Hamilton's Theorum was, and Edward said,

"For a particle at S to describe an elliptical orbit under the action of a central force directed toward the point V, the force acting on S varies directly as the radius from V and inversely as the cube of the distance from S to the polar of V with regard to the ellipse y'all"

Edward got an A. Well guys, I'll try to blog as much as I can in the next few days so stay tuned. Also the game is coming along nicely!

Friday, October 17, 2008

The Game's Progress

Hey yall, it's Fred here. The game is coming along stupendously! You can play as either Billy or the Groovy Fredward! One level involves trying to dodge paper! This game is going to be awesome Fredfans, so check this site regularly for cool updates! Isn't that exitin'?!!!!!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Hi guys, I've been really busy so I apologize that I haven't been posting much. I know this post is lame but so what? I have a life too ya know.

Monday, October 13, 2008

My Handmade Halloween Costume

Hello Fredfans, this post is about my new costume that I'm going to make by hand. I don't know what I should be. I was thinking, giraffe, or maybe a bald eagle or something. Oooh I know! Radioactive tube sock! That's what I'm going to be. Well, gotta go buy parts for it! See ya Fredfans! Also, I came up with my own jingle to play at the end of each post so here it is! Who's so cool? Who makes ya drool? I think I know! He don't have a fro! It's Fredwrad Dixonly! The coolest person ever! I wrote that all by myself! What do ya think? Maybe next post I'll try another one.

Camping Real Adventures Part 3!

Hi my friends..... I am here to tell you about my final day of camping. I woke up, ate breakfast, brushed my teeth, fed the hippo, took a shower, ordered some Chinese food, and went for a hike with my mom and dad. They insisted that we walk around an entire lake. They said I was "scrawny" and "disappointingly weak" and that I could use the exercise. Then I got caught in this savage cannibal trap and taken to this village where I was put in a pot to roast. Then, Tarzan rescued me so I was good. We then continued our long trek around the lake. Mom said she had to use the bathroom, so we had to pull the car over and stop at the nearest Shop Mart. Then we continued our treacherous hike around the lake. When we got pack to camp, it was lunchtime. My mom has this really annoying new diet that she's putting the whole family through, so for lunch today, it was boiled pine cones, served with a side of fried tree bark. It was surprisingly AWFUL. Then, we went swimming in the lake. It turns out that this particular lake was piranha infested, so I'm just sitting there, when all of a sudden I feel this tickling in my pants. Then I screamed and ran away leaving my parents out there on their rafts. I heard these hyenas laughing and these ripping sounds. After we left the hospital, I got grounded for abandoning my parents in their time of need. Thankfully, It wasn't a computer ban. All I have to do is where my braces for an extra year. Well, stop by later and check out my hip new post!

The Billy Shop

Hi guys, my pal Billay' opened up a pad on the www. Its chock full of wizay' stuff. you can roll on your mad slippin' treads, an smack a homie dawg. Sorry if you didn't understand that, but I'm reading a book called, How To Talk Cool 1923. Anyway, Billy opened up a cool shop where you can buy some cool stuff. Check out his site to check it out. I bought the, Billy's Bear For Special People.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Camping Adventures part 2

So after that horrible day, it started to get worse. After I applied sun tan lotion to my whack the mole related injuries, I went to bed. The night was freezing, and I thought I heard something outside. "Mrs. Dogteth, where do we put the body! You never said anyone would get hurt in all of this!" "I know Rick, but I just couldn't let him get away with seeing that! He knew too much, it had to be done." "Well I still don't like it, said the man named Rick. "And I want my full share as soon as done burning it!" "Fine fine." said Mrs. Dogteth. Now I thought Mrs. Dogtheth was smart, what with knowing all of that stuff about mammals, but talking about a crime right in front of a tent with a neon sign in front of it saying "populated tent" was just plain dumb. I jumped out of bed and unzipped the tent. There stood Mrs. Dogteth and a man I didn't know holding the dead body of a hamster. "Ahhh! someones on to us!" she yelled. Then she and the man dropped the hamster body and ran into the hyena infested woods. The hamster jumped up and walked over to me. I kind of liked the little guy, so I decided to keep him. Then he pooped on my hand, so I chucked him into the woods. I heard Hyenas laughing out there, and a bunch of snarling and ripping sounds. I slowly backed into my tent and went back to sleep. Maybe someday I'll post what happened the next day but probobly not. Until next time, this is Fred, signing out.

10,000th post!

Hey people! My blog just reached ten thousand clicks! I guess I will do something for you guys. I'll read you my A+ essay on mammals.

Hello, my name is Fredward Dixonly and this is my p.e. assignment on mammals. Mammals are the exact opposite of reptiles who lay eggs, opposed to the mammals, who lay baby's without them being covered in eggs. Mammals originated somewhere around 14 B.C. and were first discovered by Albert Einstein around 16 B.C. Unlike the reptile, mammals usually have three legs opposed to six. Some mammals, such as the platypus, can lay eggs despite being a mammal. No one knows why this is, or how it is possible except for our very own male health teacher, Mrs. Dogteth. She claims, that the platypus can lay eggs because it can. I strongly agree with her on this, and i think that goes for all of us. This concludes my essay on Mammals.

That was such an awesome essay. I got all of that info from Mrs. Dogteth herself. Ayway, my next post will be about other THINGS that happened to me while I was camping, so stay tuned.

Friday, October 10, 2008

My Camping Adventures

Hello Humanoids, my camping trip was (Oooh big surprise.) sad. First of all, my electronic up in 5 minutes self building tent didn't build itself! I had to sit there for hours trying to put it together without directions and then just randomly this bear/skunk thing came out of the trees and dragged me to it's nest. There it fed me to it's bear/skunk babies, and then I was digested and "recycled" by it's bear/skunk babies. I went back to camp to find my mom and dad in their tent playing wack the mole. They invited me to play. I played. My dad got drowsy and mistaked me for a mole. That mallet included in wack the mole is unusually hard. I'm too depressed. I'll say more words tomorrow.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Hello Cheeseballs. Today, I am going camping. There will be no computer, cell phone service, or any other modern conveniences. To go to the bathroom, I will just have to wonder out into the mosquito infested woods and find a nice quiet place. Don't expect me to post for a few days, because for reasons I have already explained, I can't. Also I finally managed to ditch those annoying jingle people. Well, until I get back from camping, this is Fred, signing out.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Halloween Costume

Hey guys! Most people think that when you get into middle school, you don't go trick or treating anymore. For me, that is not the case. This year I will go around as normal, dressed in my Prince Eltha costume trying to scare little kids and bring in hoards of candy! This morning, I went to check my costume out in my closet as I do every morning. When I opened the door, Mom ran out carrying a flamethrower. "Um, hi sweety, I was just, um, feeding the wombat!" "Oh ok mom!" She ran away. I looked into the closet. There sat my prized size 2 Eltha Costume, in tattered ruins. "MOM! I think the wombat ate my costume!" "We don't own a wombat dear." said mom.

So now I had the choice of either making a new costume or buying one. I think I'm going to make one. Maybe I'll be a cheese or something. Anyway come back in the next ten years or before to read my next post. Fredward! Fredward! He has a bi- Ahh! Stop following me you annoying people! No! I don't want to buy your jingle!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

PPP Gets canceled!

Oh no! Pretty Pony Princess the anime got canceled! Now I will never know what happened to prince Eltha! The last episode left him fighting through hordes of goblins trying to rescue Agatha from walruses! What will I do?!! I guess I'll just have to watch Bloody Ninja Smashdown Extreme, the most boring and babyish show on t.v. Oh also, I got my football tryout sheet in the mail today. Guess what? I didn't make it. Well this concludes another post of Fredward's Sad Life. p.s. my laptop ban is almost up, so I won't have to blog from a cell phone any more.

Life with Braces

Hey guys, my braces stink. People can't understand me! For example, at school today I greeted Mr Ploonski with my usual "Good morning Mr Ploonski! I enjoy watching you sit on your chair!" It didn't come out like that. It came out like, " Goo mooning mither plopsy! I enjoy wathing u (beep!) on you chair!" He got all red in the face and gave me detention. then he walked away muttering, "Oh man he noticed! My pampers didn't work." I watched him walk down the hall and then turned to my locker to deposit my various books. "Hey Fredwardo!" It was Edward. I turned around. "Hi Edward." Then I got my daily dose of dumpster. It wasn't so bad today. Actually I enjoy just floating there.... But then a bird pooped on my face. when I got home later, my Mom said, "Oooh Fredward, I love your new smell! Is my wittle slinkypoo using deodorant? You know, that's the same smell that made me fall for your dad! Ahhh...." I ran to my room as fast as I could. I started chatting with Billy, and we decided to make a video game! it should be done sometime next month. Anyway, stay tuned for another exiting post on, Fredward's Sad Life, the sad life of Fredward! Fredward! Fredward! He has a big head ward! He's so cool and he's so smart! Fredward likes to make his mark! On fire hydrants!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

School Gets Worse!

Hi everyone, today school got WORSE. You know that girl that Edward payed to spill her lunch on me last month? WELL SHES LIKE HIS *************** MINION NOW! Today Edward payed her to "accidentally" throw up all over "me." Then, he hired her to "accidentally" grab my science book from me, take it into the girls bathroom, and flush it down the toilet! And then! He payed her to ACCIDENTALLY set up a trip wire in the hall that was connected to the fire alarm right in front of me and get me suspended for "crying wolf"! It's only a three year suspension so my parents aren't that mad or anything. I mean I got grounded for ten years but so what? My computer got taken away but so what? Its only for a week. Till then I'll be blogging from my cell phone in the shower. Hey they're water proof righ- Zttttttt- error- auto save draft will be published as is. error code 9_4_9_15_19

Friday, October 3, 2008


Oh no friends! Guess what? I was just told by my mom that I have to get braces today! Ahhhhh! My teeth are the most beautiful in the world! see?

Why would I need braces? Oh well, I guess I'm just going to have to deal with it just like the time mom told me I needed sunscreen

Three Day Weekend!!

Hello my wonderful friends! My life has taken a serious turn for the better since I got banned from happiness - I mean IMVU. First of all, I don't get any cyber abusement from IPummelFredward. Next, I don't have to deal with paying $500 dollars a month for it. Other than that, it stinks. Anyway, this week I get a three day weekend so I've got a lot of spare time on my hands. My friend Billy got his 1000th click yesterday! How cute. Well, I gotta go, my tubesocks are done heating. Bye!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Modding the IMVU

Sup friends? Today Billy and I discovered a great, free, entirely legal, IMVU modder called, Illegal Model Modder 2.1 . It's sweet. First we used the money mod. We each got like a ton of money. Then we went shopping for nail clippers. As the shopkeeper saw us coming with our purses filled with money, she started adding zeros to all of the price tags. I bought this $2.000.000 nail filer from the shopkeepers black market selection and then we were on our way! After waiting in the long restroom line for 6 hours, (you know how girls are.) we bought V.I.P. passes for $100.000.000. Then we got to use the cool bathroom! The bathroom worker taped this peice of paper that said V.I.P over the free, in free restroom, and let us in. After that, we went shopping again! Now I had about 200 IMVU dollars left. I went and spent it on this awesome fake $1.00 bill! Then we modded our appearances. I modded myself to look like a tube sock and Billy modded himself to look like a toothbrush. I also modded IPummelFredward ( who I think is Edward) to look like a cat! I like cats.... Then we raised an army of the dead and battled them with cheese! Even though they far outnumbered us, we sliced and diced our way through them. Then Billy fell off a cliff. Without his help, the dead began to swarm.... I was smothered. Then a message appeared on my screen, YOUR ACCOUNT, FREDILICIOUS123 HAS BEEN BANNED FOREVER FOR MODDING. Please stop by the IMVU gift shop on your way out, to purchase IMVU themed clothes, jewelry, accessories, and toilet covers! Well this stinks. Goodbye November, hello October.

Chick Fight

Hello honored guests and welcome to this post about me, Fredward, playing the amazing online game, IMVU. It all started yesterday, I was enjoying a watching a chick fight with Billy, actually we were playing "Fight that Chick", a new feature on IMVU. I won. My superior skills were what did it. I just used hyper beam combined with thunderbolt and it was a one hit k.o. It was getting kind of boring endlessly beating him so I asked him if he wanted to try modding IMVU. He said, "after this round!" (sigh) So we battled again. Eat this Billy! Giga impact!